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Duane Johns & Dave Young | The Builder Nuggets Podcast

EP 31: Making It Happen

Duane Johns & Dave Young | The Builder Nuggets Podcast         Duane Johns & Dave Young | The Builder Nuggets Podcast        
EP 31: Making It Happen           EP 31: Making It Happen          
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    Our guests on this episode are true innovators with a get it done mindset. As representatives for Kohler, an iconic name in our industry, they embody the company’s belief that better business and a better world go hand-in-hand. Join us for a conversation with Amy Dyer & Megen Rapp who believe their company culture is what allows them to make things happen.

    Show highlights include:

    • How developing your brand and culture as a builder enables you to provide memorable experiences (4:22) 
    • Why getting complaints about a project can be a blessing-in-disguise that make your relationship stronger (9:56) 
    • How autonomy and empowerment make your team “power up” and never want to work for anyone else (15:56) 
    • The “Yes Mentality” secret that makes it almost impossible to fail (23:56) 
    • How to solve complex problems simply by listening (24:32)
    • You need to have a culture of listening at all levels (25:01)
    • You can come up with solutions just by listening (25:28)

    To get the most out of this podcast, head over to https://buildernuggets.com and join our active community of like-minded builders and remodelers.

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