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Jennings Smith | Unlock Your Life

EP 79: Commercial Property Investing & Free Money from the IRS

Jennings Smith | Unlock Your Life         Jennings Smith | Unlock Your Life        
EP 79: Commercial Property Investing & Free Money from the IRS           EP 79: Commercial Property Investing & Free Money from the IRS          
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    Multifamily investing is a gateway drug to commercial properties.

    You go from having average civilian tenants to a professional class of tenants.

    Commercial properties also allow you to have long term tenants that pay down your property for you.

    With this strategy, the rewards can be massive – such as leaving a legacy for your kids with a passive monthly paycheck.

    The best part about this?

    You might not even need any of your own capital to get started.

    In today’s episode, Josh Zieglowsky, co-founder of ERC-Specialists, shows you how to invest in commercial property by using other people’s bank accounts. As a bonus, he also shows you how to get access to a pot of free money from the IRS that not a lot of people know about.

    Listen Now!

    Show highlights include:

    • How to leave a $50k a month passive legacy for your kids (without you lifting a finger) (1:58)
    • The “real estate gateway drug” which adds an extra zero to your bank account by the end of the year. (1:51)
    • The biggest risk of commercial real estate that puts most into bankruptcy (and how to beat your odds) (4:13)
    • Why most real estate investors let one lousy strategy stick to them and devour their wealth (5:27)
    • The “I don’t have money” myth for commercial real estate that keeps massive paychecks out of your reach (6:24)
    • How to structure a commercial deal that makes you 800K (without putting any of your own money in) (6:25)
    • An IRS tax credit that gives you access to 26K for every employee that you can use immediately for investing. (14:23)

    If you liked the episode, leave me a review on whichever app you listen to podcasts on.

    If you want to connect with Josh Zieglowsky, please contact him at https://ercspecialists.com/

    If you want to connect with me, follow me on Facebook here https://www.facebook.com/jennings.smith.50 or Instagram here: https://www.instagram.com/jenningsfostersmithjr/.

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