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James Pollard | Financial Advisor Marketing

Why being busy is the new stupid

James Pollard | Financial Advisor Marketing         James Pollard | Financial Advisor Marketing        
Why being busy is the new stupid           Why being busy is the new stupid          
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    As a financial advisor trying to grow, you probably have tons of things to do. From educating yourself to serving and attracting clients, your to-do list is endless and you couldn’t get it all done if you had 50 hours in a day.

    It might sound harsh, but if you’re that “busy”, you’ll fail. If you want sustainable success and a crowd of high-paying clients, you need to adopt a WWII general’s mindset and become lazy. How? You’ll hear it all in this episode.

    Show highlights include:

    • Do you have a Netflix account but don’t know why Lynda is? Here’s how you need to change your mindset. (4:40)
    • If these words describe you, you need to radically change or quit your business now (one of them is “hard-working”). (6:10)
    • Why lazy people make the most effective financial advisors. (7:40)
    • Why Bill Gates would put lazy people in charge and pay them better than the hard workers. (10:35)
    • Whenever you’re busy, ask yourself the “WWALPD” question and make work easy. (11:00)

    Go to the TheAdvisorCoach.com/Newsletter and pick up your free 90 minute download called “5 Keys to Success for Financial Advisors” when you join The James Pollard Inner Circle.

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