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James Pollard | Financial Advisor Marketing

How I’d Market An Advisor With $100,000

James Pollard | Financial Advisor Marketing         James Pollard | Financial Advisor Marketing        
How I’d Market An Advisor With $100,000           How I’d Market An Advisor With $100,000          
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    During my Inner Circle Member Office Hours (which happen exclusively for Inner Circle members on the second Tuesday of each month), a member asked me how I’d market an advisor with $100,000 in capital.

    And so, I wanted to give you the exact step-by-step framework I’d use if I had an extra $100,000 to spare for an advisor.

    Best part?

    You don’t need nearly this much capital up front to successfully drum up demand for your services. But if you have an extra $100,000 lying around, this will be the most single profitable podcast you listen to.

    Listen now.

    Show highlights include:

    • The first person you should hire in your financial advising business if you want to grow your business even faster (2:28)
    • The absolute worst thing to delegate to someone else that can sow the seeds to your business’s downfall (4:58)
    • Why creating checklists and cheat sheets as your lead magnet repels high-quality clients away and attracts headache clients (6:53)
    • How to create and design a lead magnet that brings in business for years (7:35)
    • How my ad got 6,492 clicks in the past 7 days for only four cents a pop (and how to “mimic” my results in your business) (11:38)
    • The “Niche Credibility” secret for becoming wildly popular to your niche (18:45)

    Since you listen to this podcast, I want to give you a gift:

    If you subscribe to the Inner Circle Newsletter, I’ll send you a collection of seven “objection busting” and copyright free emails, personally written by me, that you can use right away to begin getting more clients. Sign up here: https://TheAdvisorCoach.com/Coaching. Then, let me know you subscribed, and I will reply back with a link where you can download them for free.

    Subscribe to my email newsletter and get a free copy of 57 of my favorite financial advisor marketing ideas here: https://TheAdvisorCoach.com/57M

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