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James Pollard | Financial Advisor Marketing

3 Things I Wish Every New Financial Advisor Knew

James Pollard | Financial Advisor Marketing         James Pollard | Financial Advisor Marketing        
3 Things I Wish Every New Financial Advisor Knew           3 Things I Wish Every New Financial Advisor Knew          
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    It’s easy to start a career or business all excited. It’s hard to surmount challenges, persist in the face of adversity and win in the long-term.

    But years later, we say “Had I known that from the beginning, I would’ve skipped years of struggle.”

    In this episode, you get 3 things which will give you that exact feeling. You’ll be able to leap ahead of the struggles other advisors still face and get results much faster than your competition.

    Show highlights include:

    • Why your inexperience can make you more successful than an entrenched financial advisor with 20 years of experience. (9:50)
    • The book to read if you don’t feel like you deserve success yet. (12:20)
    • Why not to get a “mentor” in the beginning of your career as a financial advisor. (13:55)
    • Why millionaire CEOs profit off of being inexperienced. (12:40)

    Go to the TheAdvisorCoach.com/Newsletter and pick up your free 90 minute download called “5 Keys to Success for Financial Advisors” when you join The James Pollard Inner Circle.

    Ready to learn even more about becoming the successful financial advisor you know you can be? Check out these resources:





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