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Jeremy and Joshua Mathis | Expose and Expand

#34 A Real Real Estate Conversation

Jeremy and Joshua Mathis | Expose and Expand         Jeremy and Joshua Mathis | Expose and Expand        
#34 A Real Real Estate Conversation           #34 A Real Real Estate Conversation          
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    Jeremy and Joshua have an authentic conversation about real estate.

    They get real and share the ups and downs to owning rental properties and operating a real estate business.

    Make sure you hit subscribe and share with your crew to help everyone level up their money game. Get ready for a real-deal talk about investing without the confusion. Tune in now.

    Show Highlights:

    • Pro tips on leverage, the great real estate advantage. [00:03:55]
    • The power of real estate investing as a retirement plan. [00:07:10]
    • Explore the key exit-strategy options in real estate. [00:10:46]
    • Discover the tax benefits of property ownership. [00:13:27]
    • How equity in real estate secures wealth accumulation. [00:18:05]
    • Find out how real estate is an inflation hedge. [00:20:04]
    • Get forewarned and forearmed on these property investment drawbacks. [00:22:28]
    • Why real estate must be part of a diverse investment portfolio. [00:30:06]

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