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Jeremy and Joshua Mathis | Expose and Expand

#28 Strategies we used to Raise Over $30 Million for Real Estate and Business Opportunities

Jeremy and Joshua Mathis | Expose and Expand         Jeremy and Joshua Mathis | Expose and Expand        
#28 Strategies we used to Raise Over $30 Million for Real Estate and Business Opportunities           #28 Strategies we used to Raise Over $30 Million for Real Estate and Business Opportunities          
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    In this episode, Joshua and Jeremy share secrets to securing financial backing that can catapult your investments into a new realm of success.

    Discover how to flip the script from seeking handouts to offering golden opportunities and master the art of money-raising that has unlocked over $30 million in funds for the duo.

    Come for the strategies, stay for the real-life tales of rescuing properties from the brink and securing investors’ trust and capital.

    Tune in and change the way you think about and approach investment capital forever.

    Show Highlights:

    • The key to raising money. [00:07]
    • This success story will definitely make you rethink your strategy. [04:27]
    • Discover the secret to a life of abundance [08:28]
    • How can learning to raise money transform your confidence? [10:28]
    • Is this the real estate secret weapon you need? [13:37]
    • Are you making the most out of your investments? [19:00]
    • How do you secure funding for your project? [20:09]
    • How can you break into real estate investing without experience? [23:15]
    • Learn why all money is not good money. [28:47]

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