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Harold Green | Stop Doing What You Hate!

Bold & Aggressive Moves Part II

Harold Green | Stop Doing What You Hate!         Harold Green | Stop Doing What You Hate!        
Bold & Aggressive Moves Part II           Bold & Aggressive Moves Part II          
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    If you're a medical professional, engineer, or educator looking to retire early, this episode is for you. Harold tackles the rollercoaster ride of a dramatic stock market day, offering practical insights on how to make bold and aggressive investment moves while staying within your risk tolerance.

    Learn how to navigate financial turbulence, leverage your portfolio, and make informed decisions that support your goal of early retirement.

    Ready to take control of your financial future? One, two, three, let's get it!

    Show Highlights:

    • Navigating the risk of loss in investments [01:07]
    • Are you aware of your risk score? [03:33]
    • Learn how to reassess your financial situation [05:30]
    • Here is why you need to believe in the system [07:41]
    • Is this the right time to sell? [09:46]
    • This is the perfect time for you to buy stocks [12:10]
    • Find out the impact of fear on moving forward [15:09]
    • Discover the key to building a plan and making a move [22:26]

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