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Highlights from this episode include:

Why the current economic situation represents the biggest opportunity of your lifetime (2:17)
Getting a stimulus check? Don’t waste it by making this common mistake (5:31)
Practice this habit to stop being broke and propel yourself to financial freedom (6:00)
These are the investments that you need to be looking at immediately (10:26)
These 3 components make up your ideal retirement plan (11:10)
Why retirement is the WORST time to stop working with your advisor (18:20)

Highlights from this episode include:

The political fluke that accidentally created the entire 401k plan and the $5 trillion industry that surrounds it (2:25)
What professional investors do, and how to avoid losing it all when the next “dot-com bubble” rolls around (5:05)
The difference between “smart money” and “dumb money” and how not to go broke figuring it out (5:32)
These three foundational building blocks make up the world’s most secure retirement plans.… READ MORE

Highlights from this episode include:

Why having too many credit cards is destroying your financial future (2:00)
This is the only way to work for an employer who truly cares for you (2:45)
The 100% legal way to create additional tax breaks for yourself and force the government to pay YOU (3:14)
The “Freedom Bank” method for growing wealth and liberating yourself from the daily grind (4:25)
3 secrets to reducing debt so you are no longer a slave to the banks (4:53)

Highlights from this episode include:

The first step to planning your foreign retirement and how to not destroy your plans before you even get started (6:40)
How to ensure you pick a country that is both safe and affordable (so you don’t go broke or get killed by the locals) (7:20)
The cost-conscious way to live in more than one country, preserving your savings and preventing mind-numbing boredom in retirement (9:04)
Ending the judgment and stress of “keeping up with the Joneses” is simple when you choose a retirement location by these standards (11:09)
Avoid an early death and give your retirement a purpose by doing this (12:18)

Highlights from this episode include:

The secret financial tool of billionaires you must know to be wealthy (4:30)
How to prevent fighting over your assets after you die (6:14)
60% of adults don’t even know they need this insurance (and not having it can lead to financial RUIN) (7:59)
Plan your day-to-day financial needs this way in retirement or you will outlive your savings (10:08)
How staying in your home can destroy your retirement (11:43)
How to protect yourself from this $36.5 billion dollar fraud that is draining the retirement of seniors around the world (15:20)

Highlights from this episode include:

The 3 schools you should avoid at all costs (7:01)
A sure-fire way to determine what type of financial aid position you are in, and how not to screw it up (8:24)
The right way to discuss college options with your children (12:34)
Myth debunked!… READ MORE

Highlights from this episode include:

Why making your house a home destroys its value as an investment (4:38)
Is the Home Money Monster consuming your life savings? (5:19)
Is your mortgage robbing you of your wealth?… READ MORE

Highlights from this episode include:

Do this to set your children up for success BEFORE they’re even born (4:34)
The pathetic way parents ruin their children’s lives (5:20)
Focus on these 3 areas to guide your kids to success (6:19)
Why “expert” advice on your child’s education can cause them to fail.… READ MORE

Highlights from this episode include:

The #1 reason you are a bad investor (4:05)
Understand these 3 fundamentals to cure your investing woes (5:48)
How emotions destroy your investments and how to control them (6:49)
Do you have these 3 essential components in your financial plan?… READ MORE

Highlights from this episode include:

Failing at New Year’s Resolutions? Try this instead (1:08)
How poor time-management leads directly to the poorhouse (2:07)
The #1 reason you can’t save enough to retire (6:10)
The well-known but seldom-used tool that puts achieving your financial goals on autopilot (10:00)
If you keep up this toxic habit, you’ll never retire (11:41)
Why your company’s 401k may be destroying your savings (12:40)
The insidious, cash-eating dragon you must slay to retire well (14:25)
If your investments don’t have this essential element, you’re gambling with your retirement (16:03)

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