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Overworked Employee Discovers Secrets To Building A Fitness Empire Part 3

Overworked Employee Discovers Secrets To Building A Fitness Empire Part 3           Overworked Employee Discovers Secrets To Building A Fitness Empire Part 3          
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    People don’t enjoy being sold…but they love to buy.

    If you don’t have a strategy in place in your fitness business to ethically upsell your customers and offer them the opportunity to get more value from you, you’re missing out on a huge opportunity to increase your sales and revenue.

    In today’s third and final part in the ‘building a fitness empire’ series, Greg shares his proven strategies for getting customers to exchange money with you more frequently.

    The Show Highlights:

    – Customer Lifetime Value: How to calculate it and easily increase it (5:00)
    – The most common mistake FitPros make that keep them broke (11:10)
    – How FitPros can easily increase their monthly revenue without trading more time for money (14:15)
    – The battle you will almost always lose (18:45)

    Listen to this episode and begin implementing these strategies to get your current customers to exchange money with you more frequently.

    If you want to live life on YOUR terms and spend more time doing the things you love, then head over to www.riseabovepodcast.com and download your free Freedom Formula. What are you waiting for?

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