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Overworked Employee Discovers Secrets To Building A Fitness Empire Part 2

Overworked Employee Discovers Secrets To Building A Fitness Empire Part 2           Overworked Employee Discovers Secrets To Building A Fitness Empire Part 2          
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    You could be the greatest fitness trainer in the world, but if you’re not utilizing the correct marketing strategies to help people learn about your services, your fitness empire is going nowhere fast.

    Getting more clients is typically every fitness trainer’s issue, however, it’s not the number one thing you should be spending time an focus on right now if you need an immediate cash flow injection.

    In today’s show, you’re going to learn three ways you might not have considered to get more clients in your fitness business that won’t cost you a lot – or any money.

    The Show Highlights:

    – What you should focus on right now if you need an immediate cash flow injection (1:50)
    – The three ‘audience temperatures’ you should be marketing to on a daily basis (3:00)
    – Why you MUST build your email list – and how to get started (5:20)
    – A budget-draining Facebook Ad mistake nearly everyone makes (6:20)
    – The ‘bullseye marketing’ strategy to grow your fitness business faster (8:00)
    – How to spy on your competitor’s most successful Facebook Ads (12:30)

    If you want to live life on YOUR terms and spend more time doing the things you love, then head over to www.riseabovepodcast.com and download your free Freedom Formula. What are you waiting for?

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