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Greg Smith | Rise Above Podcast

401k's Are Dead... Cash Flow Is King

Greg Smith | Rise Above Podcast         Greg Smith | Rise Above Podcast        
401k's Are Dead... Cash Flow Is King           401k's Are Dead... Cash Flow Is King          
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    Many of us dream of achieving financial freedom – the moment we don’t have to worry about money. The time all our basic human needs are taken care of, the rent is paid, there's food on the table, and there’s enough left for whatever we desire.

    The problem is, the majority of people still believe popular retirement plans such as 401k’s are a wise place to put their money. But the truth is they are merely a place to kiss your money goodbye for 40 years, in the hope it grows.

    Tune in today to discover your true formula for freedom and why 401k’s are nothing more than traps that prevent you from ever having enough,

    The Show Highlights:
    – How much does it really take to retire today and live a ‘free’ life? (8:40)
    – Your magic number to true freedom (9:00)
    – Rule number one for securing long-term future wealth (12:00)
    – Taking the leap into becoming an entrepreneur (14:40)
    – One thing you can do RIGHT NOW to increase your monthly cash flow (17:30)
    – The only two things you have complete control over (18:50)

    If you want to live life on YOUR terms and spend more time doing the things you love, then head over to www.riseabovepodcast.com and download your free Freedom Formula. What are you waiting for?

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