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Greg Smith | Rise Above Podcast

Gold Medals Are For Winners

Greg Smith | Rise Above Podcast         Greg Smith | Rise Above Podcast        
Gold Medals Are For Winners           Gold Medals Are For Winners          
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    Ever noticed how it’s the people in the sidelines who supposedly know everything there is to know about ‘the game?’

    They try to give all kinds of advice, but you never see them actually ‘playing.’

    And it’s for this very reason why the gold medals only – and always – go to the players on the field in life. Today you’re going to learn why gold medals are for winners, how you can set the game up and play so you can win!

    Here Are The Highlights:

    – Why you should surround yourself with these types of people (3:40)
    – The difference between being players or spectators in the game of life (6:45)
    – How to build YOUR legacy and make every day count (8:20)
    – Simple steps to becoming the best version of yourself (10:00)

    Unless you’re in the game, you’re not in the game. You’re just a spectator.

    If you want to live life on YOUR terms and spend more time doing the things you love, then head over to www.riseabovepodcast.com and download your free Freedom Formula. What are you waiting

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