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Greg Smith | Rise Above Podcast

The Secret To Happiness

Greg Smith | Rise Above Podcast         Greg Smith | Rise Above Podcast        
The Secret To Happiness           The Secret To Happiness          
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    When we understand the fundamental secret of happiness – and live by it – we will be happy. So what is it? What is the secret to happiness?

    Uncovering the secret can be one of life’s most challenging and elusive tasks – but it is possible.

    In today’s episode, we share two of the most critical aspects of creating a lifestyle that makes you happy – and how you can start applying these ideas almost instantaneously to your life.

    The Show Highlights:

    • A schedule hack for maximizing productivity & joy in your life (1:30)
    • The Garden of Thoughts: How to keep your mind ‘weed-free’ of negative thoughts (3:00)
    • The two elements of energy and how to master them (10:10)
    • Introvert vs. Extravert: The key differences between personality traits (11:00)
    • A productive way to invest your energy – and why your future depends on it (12:20)

    If you want to learn more about the secret to happiness and how you can boost your energy – almost instantaneously – check out the free mini video series below:

    If you want to live life on YOUR terms and spend more time doing the things you love, then head over to www.riseabovepodcast.com and download your free Freedom Formula. What are you waiting for?

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