Have a podcast in 30 days

Without headaches or hassles

San Diego, California
6:00 pm


Spent the last couple of days locked up in a mansion with biz owners doing $40k+++ per month.

Made a lot of great connections and got some intersting ideas on how to improve your bottom line so you can have a greener Christmas this year.

If you're a consultant or service provider and you've got an offer that is at least $5k.

Shoot me an email back and let me know 2 things:

1. What you're selling
b. How many you've already sold

And if I think I can help you sell more, I'll let you know.


Have a podcast in 30 days

Without headaches or hassles


Copyright 2025 Marketing 2.0 16877 E.Colonial Dr #203 Orlando, FL 32820