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Troy Broussard | Go Berserk With Email

Why Checklists are for Lovers

Troy Broussard | Go Berserk With Email         Troy Broussard | Go Berserk With Email        
Why Checklists are for Lovers           Why Checklists are for Lovers          
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    In this episode, Troy shares his unique insights on entrepreneurship and the dangers of relying solely on checklists. He explains the importance of thinking deeply, staying curious, and being open to new ideas.

    Using real-life stories and examples from different areas, Troy encourages listeners to approach learning with a fresh perspective.

    If you're interested in learning how to navigate the world of entrepreneurship and think differently, this episode is for you.

    Show Highlights:

    • Are you aware of the absurdity of a checklist mindset? [02:32]
    • Where does success come from? [04:45]
    • How can you transform your learning approach? [05:28]
    • Why can success not be reduced to a checklist formula? [08:09]
    • This is why the implementation of knowledge is necessary. [10:40]
    • Discover the reason for the lack of curiosity in people. [12:14]
    • Learn about the secret to guaranteed business success. [13:59]
    • How to deconstruct something and create your checklist? [17:22]

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