Have a podcast in 30 days

Without headaches or hassles

Jonathan Rivera | Daddy's Working

The Massive Audience You've Been Looking For

Jonathan Rivera | Daddy's Working         Jonathan Rivera | Daddy's Working        
The Massive Audience You've Been Looking For           The Massive Audience You've Been Looking For          
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    As an entrepreneur, you know getting the right message in front of the right people can blow the roof off of your revenue, reputation and impact.

    But creating hard-hitting content is difficult. Throwing social media posts into the abyss doesn’t exactly build empires. And even the best blog posts usually don’t see much light of day after publishing them.

    If you’ve been thinking about starting your podcast, this training will show you why most podcasts fail—and how to start a podcast that works. A podcast that turns sales meetings into a breeze and cements your authority so you can generate impact.

    Highlights include:

    •  Many aspiring podcasters start their podcast with the wrong goal. – Here’s how podcasts really turn into dollars and impact. (1:35)
    • Most Guroobs pretend a podcast will give you tons of traffic and send a horde of raving fans to your contact form… Direct Response – – –Podcasters know this is what a podcast really does for you. (2:20)
      When marketing icon Dean Jackson began his sentence with “podcasting sucks…”, the room went quiet. Here’s what he had to say. (4:00)
    • How a podcast leverages even small audiences into massive profit potential. (4:55)
    • If you have to explain what you’re all about on a sales call, you’re doing something wrong. Here’s how to build a legacy that turns difficult sales calls into conversations that convert. (8:05)
    • If your organic content vanishes like a fart in the wind, learn why podcasting can become your legacy. (11:25)

    Are you ready to leverage your audience into sales and get prospects on the phone who are hungry for your products or services? Go to https://www.thepodcastfactory.com/DIFM and schedule your FREE call with JR to get started on your audio content strategy.

    Have a podcast in 30 days

    Without headaches or hassles


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