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Jonathan Rivera | Daddy's Working

Consumer versus Creator

Jonathan Rivera | Daddy's Working         Jonathan Rivera | Daddy's Working        
Consumer versus Creator           Consumer versus Creator          
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    This one might piss you off – but you need to hear it.

    Are you one of those guys who spends most of your free time doing nothing?

    Are you getting home after work and spending the rest of the evening lounging in front of the TV?

    Or playing video games all night?

    Or flipping through Netflix?

    This episode is your wakeup call.

    Take a break from binge-watching videos on your tiny phone screen and tune in to today’s show, and then start creating.

    There’s a huge world out there. It’s like a blank canvas. And it’s just waiting for you to paint all over it.

    Show Highlights Include:

    • A ‘stacking’ secret for making the most of your time (5:40)
    • How to make the switch from consumer to creator (7:45)
    • The hidden form of procrastination killing your productivity (8:30)

    How would you like to spend more time with your family and less time in your business? Go grab yourself a copy of my Digital Daddy’s Toolkit where you’ll get my top 3 speed-influence tools to make you a trusted expert in any market. FAST. Go to www.daddysworking.com/ddt

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