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“Audio terrifies me”

That's what my buddy Nic said kept him from starting his podcast.

He's not like your average Joe who runs away when they get scared.

Nic likes to run headfirst INTO things that scare him.

That's why it was so funny when I got a note from one of our regular Podcast Factory listeners telling me Nic was BORING.

If you're scared out of your mind how entertaining would you be?


And his partners Jonathan and Trevor are too.

Very few people will tell you the truth like they do.

In their preview episode they say something like, “If you're family is holding you back leave them behind” (I'm paraphrasing)

But it's TRUTH that you'll find no where else.

And you need to hear it.

You can get a sneak peak of the show at www.relentlesspodcast.com

You're Welcome,
Producer Jonathan

Have a podcast in 30 days

Without headaches or hassles


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