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Darryl Lyons | Retire in Texas

How do retirement distributions work?

Darryl Lyons | Retire in Texas         Darryl Lyons | Retire in Texas        
How do retirement distributions work?           How do retirement distributions work?          
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    When it comes to retiring, how to invest your money is always in focus.

    Since there is so much to think about with diversification and never ending trends, you may neglect something equally important:

    Retirement distributions..


    Because making a mistake in your distributions can burn a hole in your finances when it’s time to retire.

    The IRS has strict rules regarding withdrawals. And breaking them unknowingly can cost you your hard earned profits.

    On the other hand, there are different types of retirement distributions. If you retire in times of turbulent markets, there are ways to protect your investments.

    In this episode, you will uncover the most important rules of retirement distributions, how to take advantage of exceptions, and how to protect your investments in a bad market.

    Listen now.

    Show highlights include:

    • How to never worry about taxes for your IRA again (1:29)
    • The little known exceptions that allow to take money out of your IRA before you’re 59 (without risking a 10% penalty) (4:03)
    • The 2 rules to avoid penalty payments when you approach the required minimum distribution age of your IRA (6:34)
    • 2 ways to protect your retirement distributions when the market goes down (9:18)
    • Why annuities can be more harmful than they seem (and when they can be useful) (11:57)










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