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Darryl Lyons | Retire in Texas

Setting and achieving goals

Darryl Lyons | Retire in Texas         Darryl Lyons | Retire in Texas        
Setting and achieving goals           Setting and achieving goals          
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    People tend to deny the importance of setting goals the closer they get to retirement.

    They argue it’s something for the younger generations, that they’re too busy.

    This couldn’t be further from the truth. But it’s understandable if you consider that ambitious goals rarely come to fruition.

    But there is a reason why some people seem to excel while others get stuck. They’ve mastered the skill of setting and achieving goals.

    In this episode, you will uncover a simple action plan to start setting—and achieving— the right goals, so you can make sure you live a life by design and not by default.

    Listen now.

    Show highlights include:

    • Why setting the most ambitious goals is in your best interest (even if you don’t achieve them) (2:41)
    • The “Have-Do-Be” method to gain instant clarity on the goals you want to pursue more than anything else (5:06)
    • 6 of the most important areas in your life to set goals in (and how to map out your path to success) (6:42)
    • What the most successful people understand about goals and desires (and how they lay out every step of their action plan) (9:01)
    • The “75% Rule” to stack achievements which reinforce each other (12:35)
    • The “Shower Power” method to ensure your goals are top of mind (so you never look back with regret about what could have been) (13:32)


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