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Doberman Dan

DDS62: All babies are schizophrenic and bipolar

Doberman Dan         Doberman Dan        
DDS62: All babies are schizophrenic and bipolar           DDS62: All babies are schizophrenic and bipolar          
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    I’ve known something was wrong with babies for the longest time.

    They’re self centered, demanding, manipulative… and they refuse to talk coherently like we adults. (I’m sure they do that just to piss us off.)

    So I’ve known something was wrong for a while. I just couldn’t put my finger on WHAT was wrong.

    But Big Pharma and the U.S. medical system figured it out:

    All babies are schizophrenic and bipolar.

    And thanks be to Jeebus, Moises, Mahthammud and L. Ron Hubbard… they’re finally doing something about it.

    It’s all revealed here on the latest episode of Off The Chain.

    All the best,
    Doberman Dan

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