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Doberman Dan

DDS30: Rowdy Roddy Piper's wake up call

Doberman Dan         Doberman Dan        
DDS30: Rowdy Roddy Piper's wake up call           DDS30: Rowdy Roddy Piper's wake up call          
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    What does the low budget and campy movie from 1988 called “They Live”, starring Rowdy Roddy Piper, have to do with your success?

    Quite a lot, actually.

    It’s a movie about all the hiddenconditioning all around us to keep us living our entire lives in mediocrity.

    This is the stuff you gotta be aware of if you want to break away from the 95% and be successful.

    But I warn you:

    You need to see the classic 6 and ½ minute fight scene in “They Live.” Because THAT is what’s gonna happen if you try to show any of the 95%’ers the reality in which they live.

    It’s all explained here:


    If you’re not crazy about iTunes… or want to listen on an Android device…

    …OR… you just prefer to listen online, go here instead:


    All the best,
    Doberman Dan

    P.S. I frickin’ LOVE “They Live.”

    But NOBODY understood the fight scene. They criticized it and made fun of it.

    But it was the central theme to the whole movie.

    Everybody in this world is either a Frank or a Nada. Find out which YOU are here:

    It’s all explained here:


    If you’re not crazy about iTunes… or want to listen on an Android device…

    …OR… you just prefer to listen online, go here instead:



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