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Doberman Dan

DDS19: A “P” or “D”... which are you?

Doberman Dan         Doberman Dan        
DDS19: A “P” or “D”... which are you?           DDS19: A “P” or “D”... which are you?          
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    I’ve confirmed this hundreds of times over the past 20 years.

    And I’ve gotten so good at it I can predict, with 97.4% accuracy, if you’re gonna succeed or fail.

    I can make that prediction after observing you and finding out which of these two types of person you are.

    One is overly abundant.

    The other is as rare as hen’s teeth.

    Find out which one you are here…


    If you hate iTunes… or want to listen in on an Android device…

    …oryou just prefer to listen online, go here:


    All the best,
    Doberman Dan

    P.S.I’ve been both a P and a D at various points in my life.

    One pays EXPONENTIALLY better than the other.

    Like a million times better. (Seriously. No exaggeration.)

    BUT… you is what you is…

    …unless you do what I reveal here to change that…


    Or here:


    (I are a gudriter, huh?)

    Pax vobiscum.

    Have a podcast in 30 days

    Without headaches or hassles


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