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How to make 6-figures a month as a coach with Russ Ruffino

How to make 6-figures a month as a coach with Russ Ruffino           How to make 6-figures a month as a coach with Russ Ruffino          
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    I had the pleasure of interviewing a fellow marketer the other day.

    Interesting dude.

    He has a proven system that lets you bypass all the “bottom of the totem pole” low price customers… and “leapfrog” your way to the 20% in your niche/market. The people who buy high price point stuff.

    It’s contrary to the old outdated marketing model I first learned back in the day. But the dude’s got the results to back him up.

    Click here to hear it straight from the horse’s mouth. It’s all revealed on this week’s episode of Off The Chain.

    All the best,
    Doberman Dan

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    Without headaches or hassles


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