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Doberman Dan | Off The Chain Show

Behind the scenes at Agora Financial with Joe Schreifer part 2

Doberman Dan | Off The Chain Show         Doberman Dan | Off The Chain Show        
Behind the scenes at Agora Financial with Joe Schreifer part 2           Behind the scenes at Agora Financial with Joe Schreifer part 2          
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    Imagine taking a successful $50 million/year biz and quadrupling it to over $205 million/year… in only 3 years.

    While screwing a bunch of stuff up along the way.

    No, the point isn’t that you can be successful in spite of screwing things up…

    The point is this:

    If you want to experience growth that big, that fast… screwing things up is 100% NECESSARY.

    That’s what my guest on this week’s Off The Chain show is revealing.

    If you thought everything had to be perfect to build a really big business, you couldn’t be more mistaken.

    Click here to listen in now…

    All the best,
    Doberman Dan

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