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Doberman Dan | Off The Chain Show

Client Problems with Heather Ann Havenwood part 1

Doberman Dan | Off The Chain Show         Doberman Dan | Off The Chain Show        
Client Problems with Heather Ann Havenwood part 1           Client Problems with Heather Ann Havenwood part 1          
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    I was feeling good…

    In fact… in spite of being a graying 52 year old, no-longer- handsome guy… I was feeling that macho swagger again.

    Like back in the day… if ya know what I mean.

    Interesting timing on that… because I was interviewing a woman.

    AND… because she’s just simply maaarvelous… the interview went swimmingly.

    In fact… I learned some pretty life changing thangs.

    So… with the hope and expectation that it’ll do the same for you, too… my producer Joe

    Nation and his team hit the “publish” button.

    Therefore… you can click here and maybe… hopefully… I hope… no, I pray… in the name of all things good and holy… it’ll change your life, too.

    All the best,
    Doberman Dan

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