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Doberman Dan | Off The Chain Show

K9 Selling Secrets

Doberman Dan | Off The Chain Show         Doberman Dan | Off The Chain Show        
K9 Selling Secrets           K9 Selling Secrets          
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    If you ever want to be truly humbled about your status as a human being… just take a look at your dog.

    Pound for pound, your dog is much stronger and faster than you.

    As a predator he’s a much more efficient killer than you. (Yeah, even your little foo-foo, girlie man lapdog Cockapoo.)

    He’s a much more efficient predator than you are. (Humans are a highly risk-averse species… and in the wild, we’re prey, not predators.)

    When he’s at the top of his game, your dog can run at a speed of 25 miles an hour.

    Without a doubt, your dog is superior to you in many different ways.

    Especially in THESE two qualities.

    And these are what’s necessary for you to experience the big successes.

    If you don’t have these, ya better figure out how to get ’em. (HINT: Just observe your dog.)

    All these canine success secrets are revealed here…

    All the best,
    Doberman Dan

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