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Doberman Dan | Off The Chain Show

Media Buying with Katie Vogel from Agora Financial part 2

Doberman Dan | Off The Chain Show         Doberman Dan | Off The Chain Show        
Media Buying with Katie Vogel from Agora Financial part 2           Media Buying with Katie Vogel from Agora Financial part 2          
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    Eavesdrop on me brainstorming with Agora superstar…

    Finally… if you’ve been waiting with baited breath…

    Here’s part 2 of my interview with Agora Financial marketing superstar Katie Vogel.

    You’ll actually get to be a fly on the wall and hear me scheming with Katie about how to

    turn my first ever attempt at writing financial copy into a $20 million+ home run.

    It’s real behind-the- scenes stuff.

    You’ll also get a peek behind the curtain of how the entire Agora world — a $1 BILLION a

    year monster — works with all their different divisions, like Agora Financial.

    Also… you’ll discover how YOU can get a gig in marketing with Agora Financial.

    I don’t mean theoretically. Katie is actually putting out the call for future marketing rock


    If you fit the bill (and lack of experience is NOT a deal killer) then this could be the

    opportunity of a lifetime.

    Click here now for the whole story on the latest episode of “Off The Chain”.

    All the Best,

    Doberman Dan

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