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Doberman Dan | Off The Chain Show

Create your perfect day with Craig Ballantyne part 1

Doberman Dan | Off The Chain Show         Doberman Dan | Off The Chain Show        
Create your perfect day with Craig Ballantyne part 1           Create your perfect day with Craig Ballantyne part 1          
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    Call it what you will…

    For the pragmatic… setting a goal, being persistent and accomplishing it. (That sounds

    like a lot work, doesn’t it?)

    For the Pentecostals… name it and claim it. (That sounds MUCH easier.)

    For the woo-woo crowd… manifesting your desires. (If I can do that while sitting on my

    ass eating pizza, count me in!)

    Or for the studied… the effect of thoughts, emotion and observation upon the universal

    multidimensional quantum field. (And all the Quantum Physics folks just said a collective


    Whatever you call it… what you’re about to hear sounds inexplicable at first.

    And kinda far out.

    So be forewarned:

    Be careful what you wish for.

    Click here for the whole story on the latest episode of “Off The Chain.”

    All the best,

    Doberman Dan

    Have a podcast in 30 days

    Without headaches or hassles


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