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Episode #012 - The ROI Trap: How to know when your marketing is working, even if you haven't closed a deal yet

Episode #012 - The ROI Trap: How to know when your marketing is working, even if you haven't closed a deal yet           Episode #012 - The ROI Trap: How to know when your marketing is working, even if you haven't closed a deal yet          
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    Digital marketing is awesome: Done well, you get to generate highly targeted leads on autopilot while you invest a fraction of what you make back.

    While this is the reality of many investors, many others try their hand at online marketing, think they don’t see results… and quit.

    Most don’t know that you can calculate (and take home) massive ROIs even when the data doesn’t look so rosy. Doing this also allows you to silently leverage keywords your competitors might never bid on.

    Show highlights include:

    – Why you can’t predict even “reliable” marketing outcomes. (3:30)
    – The big problem with REI online marketing (this is why SO many investors struggle to market online profitably). (5:50)
    – Don’t stop “unprofitable” campaigns because of this common reason (a 5-figure deal might come from your next click). (10:40)
    – Why not to let low search volume or small audiences deter you from running your ads. (13:45)
    – Why paying triple market rate for clicks and leads doesn’t have to be a bad thing (this is where you can outlast your competition). (20:20)

    To get the latest updates directly from Dan and discuss business with other real estate investors, join the REI marketing nerds Facebook group here: http://adwordsnerds.com/group
    Need help with your online marketing? Jump on a FREE strategy session with our team. We'll dive deep into your market and help you build a custom strategy for finding motivated seller leads online. Schedule for free here: http://adwordsnerds.com/strategy

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