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Dan Barrett | REI Marketing Nerds

Episode #172 - Qualifying Seller Leads On The Phone With Vince Hall from Call Porter

Dan Barrett | REI Marketing Nerds         Dan Barrett | REI Marketing Nerds        
Episode #172 - Qualifying Seller Leads On The Phone With Vince Hall from Call Porter           Episode #172 - Qualifying Seller Leads On The Phone With Vince Hall from Call Porter          
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    Most investors can get leads. Send enough postcards, mail enough letters and run enough ads—somebody will call you.

    But many leads waste your time. They expect sky-high prices, don’t want to sell or don’t understand what you do.

    The less you waste your time with these tire kickers, the more you can talk with real, motivated leads and close deals.

    In this episode, Vince Hall from Call Porter shows you how to qualify leads on the phone to weed out those who waste your time and focus on lucrative deals instead.

    Want to stop wasting your time and close more deals? Listen now!

    Show highlights include: 

    • Why picking up the phone could be the most profitable activity in your business. (9:48)
    • The “4 pillars of a good real estate deal” checklist that helps you qualify leads in minutes. (12:42)
    • How an overseas VA can hurt your business (and why “overpaying” for U.S.-based phone operators lets you close more deals) (19:10)
    • How to make Instagram give you more views on their algorithm by adding silly songs to your videos. (31:20)

    To get the latest updates directly from Dan and discuss business with other real estate investors, join the REI marketing nerds Facebook group here: http://adwordsnerds.com/group

    Need help with your online marketing? Jump on a FREE strategy session with our team. We'll dive deep into your market and help you build a custom strategy for finding motivated seller leads online. Schedule for free here: http://adwordsnerds.com/strategy

    Find out more about Vince’s business here: https://callporter.com/

    Schedule a call with Vince https://callporter.com/

    Call Porter on Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/callporterofficial/

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