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Cherlylanne Skolnicki | Brilliance Balance Podcast

Take one thing off your list

Cherlylanne Skolnicki | Brilliance Balance Podcast         Cherlylanne Skolnicki | Brilliance Balance Podcast        
Take one thing off your list           Take one thing off your list          
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    You in November: Christmas is coming! I can’t wait. Baileys, sparkly lights, buying presents, Michael Buble. What’s not to love?

    You in December: OH MY GOODNESS! I am so overwhelmed. There’s so freaking much to do. Is it over yet?

    Can you relate to the feeling of being overwhelmed during the holidays…the feeling that your head might explode if you add one more thing to your to-do list?

    Then this episode is for you. Together, we’re going to unpack some of the most common Christmas crazies and teach you how to reframe them so you can grant yourself some peace during this season.

    Here Are The Highlights:
    – Why YOU don’t have to do it all (3:30)

    – Two practical ways to make this year’s Christmas easier and more meaningful…without missing any of the holiday fun (6:00)

    – A hot tip for avoiding disappointment this Christmas…the answer may surprise you! (10:50)

    To learn more about Brilliant Balance Breakthrough, the program referenced in today’s show, visit: https://cherylanneskolnicki.com/brilliant-balance/
    Download your Rebalancing Toolkit to design a week that lets you feel like you have it all:
    Join the Brilliant Balance Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/281949848958057/
    Learn more about Cherylanne’s work:

    And to find out more about Brilliant Balance Breakthrough:

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