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Cherlylanne Skolnicki | Brilliance Balance Podcast

Stop saying I have no choice

Cherlylanne Skolnicki | Brilliance Balance Podcast         Cherlylanne Skolnicki | Brilliance Balance Podcast        
Stop saying I have no choice           Stop saying I have no choice          
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    When was the last time you caught yourself saying…

    “Well, I don’t really have a choice”


    “It is what it is”


    “This is just the ways things have to be right now”

    You may not realize it, but almost EVERYTHING in life is a choice. It’s just far easier to avoid taking responsibility for the situation by telling ourselves otherwise. As you listen today, consider the places in your life where you might want to make a different choice (even if you can’t see your way to making it yet).

    Show Highlights:
    – Making choices and managing trade-offs (6:40)
    – How to avoid accumulating resentment towards others (8:10)
    – The NEGATIVE impact of choice that’s not easy to escape (11:15)
    – Putting the brakes on conditioned responses (14:45)
    – An easy way to use choice to free up more of your time (15:00)
    – How to set work boundaries…even when you think you can’t (15:20)

    And if you feel like you’re being pulled in a thousand directions, hop over to http://brilliantbalance.net/haveitall to download your free Rebalancing Toolkit.

    You’ll learn how to design an optimized week that lets you feel like you have it all.

    You ready? Listen now…and let’s be brilliant…

    Have a podcast in 30 days

    Without headaches or hassles


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