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Cherylanne Skolnicki | Brilliant Balance

Reframing Resistance: How Struggling Might Show You're on the RIGHT Path

Cherylanne Skolnicki | Brilliant Balance         Cherylanne Skolnicki | Brilliant Balance        
Reframing Resistance: How Struggling Might Show You're on the RIGHT Path           Reframing Resistance: How Struggling Might Show You're on the RIGHT Path          
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    In this episode, we explore how experiencing struggle can actually indicate that you're on the right track. Cherylanne shares how resistance often surfaces right when you're about to achieve something meaningful.

    We'll identify several forms of resistance—from rationalizing and distractions to fear and self-doubt. You’ll get practical advice on how to push through these challenges and turn them into opportunities for growth.

    Whether you're setting new goals or working on a passion project, this episode will change your perspective about resistance.

    Listen now!

    Show Highlights:

    • How do you know if you are on the right path? [00:45]
    • When do we face the massive wall of resistance? [05:03]
    • Learn to think about resistance psychologically [07:47]
    • This is how resistance and rationalizing are connected [10:39]
    • Discover the root cause of most of our fears [13:32]
    • You need to know this about micro-distractions and distractions [17:52]
    • Find out what the degree of fear reflects [20:07]
    • How to see discomfort as an opportunity to grow? [23:46]

    Check out Mackey Advisors at: www.mackeyadvisors.com/brilliantbalance

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