In today’s episode, Kevin chats about his latest trip to numerous masterminds and meetups with some of the world’s greatest living direct response copywriters.
One in particular was John Carlton’s Mastermind in San Francisco: One of the few events that Kevin took his family along with him. There’s many people in the same scenario who have a family and are wondering whether or not to bring them along.
After hesitating for a long time about taking his family, Kevin took them and turned it into a family holiday. You might be thinking it's odd taking your family to a business mastermind. When you’re at a mastermind meetup with names like Brian Kurtz, Clayton May Peace and John Carlton to name but a few, it becomes much more than just a business mastermind. In fact, you’d be surprised how little was spoken about business. It's a much more casual event.
Being surrounded with high performing individuals and their families creates an incredible energy. When you associate and hang out with people on that level, you soon realise they aren't just people. Entrepreneurs, especially copywriters are extremely curious about life. The depth of knowledge and experience across a broad array of topics was mind blowing.
Entrepreneurs are different than everybody else. They don't fit the ‘one size fits all box’. They aren't the type of people to climb the ladder of succes. They know there’s got to be another way.
Whilst Kevin was at the mastermind events, he talked about people knowing him by his voice which goes to show the power of podcasting…especially Copy Chief Radio & The Truth About Marketing.
The bottom line is, you must get out as much as possible to networking events to meet people in person. It's the best way to make connections, grow and prosper in business.