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Without headaches or hassles

In this episode, you’ll discover…

  • Why morning routines may be the hidden key for crushing it in your business and life (3:27)
  • Jesus WASN’T nice: A seldom-discussed aspect of his relationship style that you can use to improve the quality of all your interactions (6:10)
  • The counterintuitive reason setting the bar high is the most loving thing you can do for another person (9:26)
  • The shocking way you can be there for your family but still destroy your relationship (12:00)
  • How “offramps” ease the transition between work and home so you can be fully present for your loved ones (12:35)
  • Why hobbies are essential to a well-rounded life (16:15)
  • The massive mental benefits of writing as much as possible even if you never plan to publish anything (21:56)
  • Why paying attention to your desires honors God and your family (33:35)

Are you crushing it at work but struggling at home? If you want to learn how to win at home, then go to https://CoryMCarlson.com and download your free copy of “10 Ways To Win At Home.”

Read Full Transcript

Welcome to the win at home first podcast. I'm your host, Corey Carlson. This podcast is where we talk about how successful business leaders win, not only at work, but also at home. On this podcast, we will go behind the scenes with great leaders to hear stories of how they win. Thank you for listening and on to today's episode.

Hello, this is Corey, and I'm excited for you here. This episode, the day with Kevin rains, we go over a lot of great topics. We talk about how you win the morning. You win the day and he shares some great practices that he uses. We talk about the importance of off ramps and how that can help you transition from high intensity of work to being able to be present with your family, with your kids. Talk about the little book versus the big book we talk about what is God's blessing?

(00:51): How do we know where to go and what to do? Are we paying attention to the right pieces of our life? And so just great conversation, excited for you to hear it. There's a couple ahas that I had during it, and I hope you do as well. Thank you very much. Enjoy the episode. Hello. This is Corey Carlson and you're listening to the win at home first podcast. I'm excited about today's episode. We're being joined today by a gentlemen named Kevin Rains. And I said this actually, before we got on air, but I'll say it again. I've been in multiple rooms multiple times with Kevin over the years, and he's always been one of the wisest folks in the room with just his insight and knowledge. And I wonder, bring his experience to all of you who are listening. Kevin range was a pastor out of school, but for the last 17 years has been in the auto body industry.

(01:45): It's part of how he grew up and his family. And so for the last 17 years, he is managed and operated and now he owns the rains family car star group has autobody shops in Cincinnati and Lexington markets. He's married, has three kids and very, very active in the community. So Kevin, excited to have you on. Thanks for joining my pleasure. Thank you. So this is, we start diving in right away, you know, what are you seeing? Not only in your own home, but also just those that you lead. What is that most important leadership trait you believe is required to win both at home and at work?

(02:22): You know, I think a lot of leaders would answer that the same way. I it's integrity. It's how I show up at work and how I show up at home. How I show up in my personal life should all be the same. So my goal is always to keep aligning myself no matter where I am or who I'm with, but I'd be the same person.

(02:41): Well, that's awesome. And so how do you find yourself aligning, especially as you've seen throughout your career, but even right now, as a business owner, you've got multiple shops and matter of fact, we rescheduled this interview due to stresses at one of the locations. And so there's volatility as a business owner. And how are you realigning yourself at those different moments to basically recalibrate?

(03:06): So for me, it's going to begin with kind of the pretty disciplined morning routine. I'm not a discipline person by nature, but come to believe with, again, with many others, that if you win the morning, you win the day. So I have a fairly step morning routine. It's a series of four or five, six at the most rituals that I go through. It changes every quarter, just a little bit, but that involves time and scripture. So I'm to reading good spiritual literature time and prayer, and then time kind of setting up my day in a very, very specific way that I've come to learn to do.

(03:44): That's awesome. From a scripture reading standpoint, are you doing anything that's structured right now? I mean, you kind of do a book of the Bible. Do you do a, kind of a more, just a random book that has scripture influence or what do you find yourself doing?

(04:00): So I'm currently reading through, what's called the Orthodox study Bible and they have prescribed readings for every day of the year. And I, I follow along with those prescribed readings, but I really emphasize the gospels. So trying to see what what did Jesus do? How did he live his life? What were his, what were his habits? What were his patterns? What kind of things was he focused on in his life? And then aligning myself to that, to the best of my ability, trying to envision how he would lead my life, if he were me. I mean, I can't be Jewish rabbi the first century, but I like to imagine that if Jesus were incarnated and in my flesh, how would he live live out my days? And that's an idea that I got from a gentleman named Dallas Willard, kind of a mentor to me through his, through his writings, had the opportunity to meet him a couple of times. But primarily through his writings I've learned to try to envision how Christ would live his life if he had my particular life.

(05:06): Right. I love that at a more personalization kind of customization to Jesus. And so Kevin, what have you seen lately that you're finding, you know what, I'm a little out of whack here. I need to kind of realign it with how Jesus would do if he was in my shoes right now.

(05:25): Hmm. That's a really good question. I think, you know, the core of my business culture is centered around chair empathy, and that's something I learned through my years in ministry. I love doing pastoral care, caring for people, always trying to hope for the best thing, for the best for them and vision, the best future for them. But I've also learned pretty recently that Jesus, wasn't afraid to challenge people. The scripture that I read this morning, he literally said that his closest friend and follower Peter, he said, get behind me Satan. So here's Jesus who probably could not be characterized for that one moment in his life as a nice guy. So being nice and being effective, aren't always the same thing, being nice and being virtuous, not the same thing. So I'm trying to align more with Jesus, not just by giving care and empathy, but also raising the bar on challenging people, which is something I learned a lot from my coaching, five capital's through you and Brandon and some others. That's just the constant theme. I've always struggled to raise the bar on being more challenging. So I'm going to season right now where I feel like God is calling me out on 51. If I don't learn it now, I'll probably never learn it this journey. So I'm digging in and trying to learn how to be a high challenge and high care leader at the same time.

(07:01): That's really good. I too, as, as really, it feels like the majority of some people, I mean, a lot of people I talked to, we ended up on that more. We want to be caring. It's I don't want to be challenged, especially right now because people are working from home. Obviously that doesn't happen to you as much because they've got to come to the auto body shop to work on the cars. But yet, you know, that there's an added tension now at their homes than there ever was before because kids not having school and maybe spouses not working, or that looks different. So how do you advise us and other leaders listening of, yes, we've got to up the bar. We got to be high challenge. I mean, even Jesus said, come follow me, but now go and make disciples. I mean, it was a invitation than a challenge. This, as you mentioned, what are you seeing? That's working for you knowing I've got to up my challenge game, but I've also gotta be caring and empathetic of really these kind of new dynamics. And so we don't over swing and get too high challenged, no empathy, but also we don't continue just to tiptoe thinking, Oh, it's COVID or it's quarantine. I'm just going to be mr. Nice leader and wait till,

(08:10): Yeah, it's definitely gotta be a both. And I've learned a lot from a guy named Edwin Friedman. He wrote a book called failure or failure of nerve. He was a Jewish rabbi and a psychologist, but he spent his career studying this idea of empathy. And towards the end of his career, he adjusted that and said, there also needs to be something called adaptation. So he was talking to a friend of his, who was a college coach of football. And this coach told him a story about a wide receiver who came to him and said, Hey, the quarterback is throwing the ball too hard. Can you ask him to turn down how hard he throws the ball at me? The coach said, absolutely I'll take care of this. Went back to the quarterback and said, throw the ball as hard as you can at that wide receiver.

(09:05): And if he can't catch it, I'll find somebody who can catch the ball. So that's an example of adaptation. I think people want to be challenged. The thing that's kind of shifting for me is the most chairing thing I can do for people is to set the bar higher. I don't think I'm at risk ever of losing the empathy side. I think the risk for me is the over swing on that side. So I'm kind of readjusting my mindset now to say, you know, if I really want to care for people, I need to call them to something much higher than they're currently doing. If they're performing at a lower level than their potential would dictate, I can care for them by throwing the ball harder by holding them to a much higher standard.

(09:58): No, that's awesome. What a neat story as well. And now when you didn't anticipate, so when you said that I was, I was definitely surprised, but that's exactly right. I mean, yes, there probably are a few that want to remain mediocre and average for the rest of our lives, but we're all doing our best, not to hire those people and not continue to have them on our team. So you're right. For those that are sticking around, they want to do something that brings value. They want to come home and be happy and proud for what they did during the day. And as leaders, if we don't raise that bar and if we don't call out the best in them, then they may leave or they may settle for me.

(10:36): That's right. Yeah.

(10:38): Your career you've obviously you've had the ups and downs and the stresses when maybe one shot didn't perform as you anticipated and it may have caused you not to win at home because you were focused on, Oh man, this season, I've got to get things right over at shop a or shop B. So how have you managed those various seasons over your career? Just say, alright, I got recalibrate. I've been too focused over here. I need to go over here. And how can you help us? Who may find ourselves in some of those similar predicaments?

(11:12): Yeah. Again, not to go, keep going back to just point, but something that I learned through my coaching with five capital's many years ago was developing those off ramps has been critical for me. I got to confess right out of the gate. I'm in a season right now where the temptation is to overwork and to not really focus on time at home. The biggest temptation for me is to show up at home physically, but not fully be present mentally or emotionally. So, you know, watching something with my wife, I've got my phone kind of down to the left of myself and I'm checking the phone or, you know, I'm trying to a conversation with her, but my mind is still back earlier in the day at a conversation I had with somebody, one of my technicians at one of the locations. So for me, the trick has been, and again, I haven't done this fully successfully at all seasons of life, but it's something I'm constantly working on.

(12:12): And that is to create off-ramps between home and work to try to go from a, you know, a nine or 10 intensity at work down to a two or three at home, I've found is just impossible. You got to kind of click through all the numbers, eight seven, six, five, four, three. And how we do that is, is its offerings. We need off-ramps whether that's you come home and you get your wife, and then you exercise for a little bit to kind of get your mind realigned, or you take a shower or you pursue a hobby, whatever those things are to help us kind of dial down from that eight, nine, 10 down to the two or three. So we can be fully present at home. I'm still learning how to do that.

(12:56): Yup. That's good. I too learned off ramps and love it and continue to share with others. And that off-ramp just being coming home and the whole time being on that work phone, or even not work, but you're listening to something that keeps your intensity high. So NPR, politics, whatever it could be. But if you're walking in that front door at a high level kind of energy, but you know, maybe it's frustrated of way, whatever political party you're on and what you just heard or sports, even though there's not a ton of sports activity at this moment, but whatever it could be, you can walk in that front door fired up. I think you bring up an interesting dynamic of off-ramps now because when people had commutes more, so they didn't necessarily have off-ramps mastered, but I definitely know the off ramp is more difficult with working in a basement or working in a master bedroom or wherever someone is working from home. And then all of a sudden they're, they're done. And then they walk right into the kitchen and into the kids and the spouse and all of those

(14:03): Dynamic. So,

(14:05): So that's good. You've also speaking of off ramps, you've always been good about finding just whether it's fishing, whether it is some other form of getting away. I know, years ago, you and your wife did what Nova Scotia or some trip. I mean, you're good at retreat. You're good at rest and kind of rejuvenation. Well, how do you do that for your own life? Cause I know it's not just spontaneous.

(14:32): That's a good question. And I get, I don't, I don't feel like I'm always great at it. I have good seasons and bad like anybody else, but I did that sabbatical was to Newfoundland actually to be with my wife's family who has deep roots in Newfoundland. And there's just, there's not a whole lot of options up there to be distracted. There's not a ton of restaurants. There's not a ton of movie theaters. It's just, it's a very simple lifestyle on very Rocky coast. It's rugged. It's beautiful. It's nature. It's being immersed in what the Celtic Christians called the big book. So they talked about scripture being the little book, very important little book, honestly, and nature being the big book of God's revelation. So I love spending time in the big book of God's creation. My preference there is to be going somewhere fast. So I love experiencing the big book at high speeds.

(15:28): That's kinda my thing, motorcycles, fast cars, those types of things are exhilarating to me. I will say that I've added a couple hobbies just in the last year, year and a half. That kind of caught me off guard. You know, to your point about fishing. I've not been a big fisherman my whole life. In fact, I really didn't enjoy fishing until about a year, year and a half ago. Up to that point, it was something that I would do with my dad and his brothers because they were into it. But something just clicked for me last year. And all of a sudden fishing just became this exhilarating thing. It's also something I can do alone. So there could be like a solitude element, efficient relational. If I do it with other people or it can be an activity and solid too. The other thing is golf.

(16:20): I never saw myself golfing again. I was the third bike kid and the race car kid, but taking up golf, like I'm horrible at golf, like choking up like terms ft. And I've really enjoyed like getting out on the course. And it's just great to be again outside, usually with buddies or my son and drinking a beer. The highlights for me is not hitting the great shot because frankly I don't have great shots outside on that course in that beautiful space. It's very green. So I enjoyed golf. So I encourage any of your listeners. Like if they're looking for a hobby or they feel like it's too late in life to take one up, find something, man, it's powerful. When you find a couple of things you can connect with around that recreation time, the time that recreates us,

(17:16): Those are good. Those are both outside. Those are both good kind of summer. As we go into winter. What, what have you found to be your big, your, you know, your big book, a new habit, new hobby,

(17:30): Good question. You know, winter is still a time for me to be outside. I don't mind the cold, so I still try to get outside as much as possible. I also love movies. So that's a time for me to kind of dig in and maybe catch up on some of the movies that I might've missed over the previous months. And then a good book. I just, I, you know, I see behind you there just run a zoom call. I see all these books behind you and I'm just dying to ask you questions about all those books. I can not get enough of books. I downsize my library about a year ago when we moved, cut two thirds of it out and I'd probably replenish a third of that back already. And that's collecting books. I love books.

(18:11): Oh man. That's neat. Well, I look forward to hearing about some of what you're reading now. Hello, this is Corey Carlson. Thank you very much for listening to this podcast. I greatly appreciate it. If things that we're saying or you're hearing what the guests are talking about and you want to see how it can apply to your life and you want to dive deeper into the content. And I invite you to visit my website at Corey M Carlson, to learn more about my coaching program, what I'm doing for clients like you and how it can help you start winning boat at home and at work and living the life to the full. So thank you very much for listening and back to today's episode. Thank you. The quarantine has changed a lot of our lives for different reasons, schedules change. We can't do different family activities or friend activities. Are there some good changes that you've seen come into your life?

(19:08): You want to keep? It's a great question. Writing has been something that I've enjoyed doing in the past. It's something I probably have done more of during this quarantine. So I think that's a habit that I want to continue moving forward. I just hired a new COO for my business for a while. I was kind of wearing both the CEO and the COO hats and just realizing that kind of those operational functions were, they were just not life-giving to me. So as he's being onboarded right now, he's in his first month. What I've noticed is I felt a lot freer. And when I want to do with that time, like I'm kind of gravitating toward writing. So being at home more has given me the luxury of being able to write more during the quarantine. And I hope to carry that forward. I want to do more writing. I don't think it'll ever be published, but just the act of getting my words out on a page and them really helpful to me.

(20:11): What are you writing about? I mean, you're doing a story. Are they blogs or

(20:16): What's going on? So a lot of, for me is more just kind of organizing my thoughts. I did a a five page kind of vision script for my future, for my business, my family life. Just some things that I wanted to kind of get down on paper and then organize my thoughts. So initially it was just kind of like a brain dump, spilled it out and I began refining that and it's really becoming the basis of what we want to do in the future, both home and work work life. So that's one, I also write a monthly column for a magazine called fender bender. It's probably only going to be of interest to people in my industry, but I tend to write about things that might have a little bit more universal appeal, kind of that like ideas of leadership, development, and culture, but definitely pressing it through my industry with examples from within the auto body repair industry. So I write one of those a month and what I've found is like what used to take me several hours over the course of several days or even spread out by a week or two. I can usually crank one of those out now in a few hours because of the other writing that I'm doing, it seems like it's having a calming effect or a sealing effect on my mind and making writing just feels so much more natural now.

(21:40): [Inaudible] Oh, that's neat. I talked to a lot of people about encouraging to write more, even if they never want to publish it. Cause I've, I've seen in my own experience, but just doing a lot of reading and research on it, the idea of writing clarifies your thoughts. So if it's from a business perspective, like just like when you, I did look at some of your fender bender articles and just on, is a culture toxic in order to write that blog, you had to think about it more like, is this part really toxic? Nah, I guess I could live with that part, but man, this part really bothers me and I want to make sure I reinforce it. So it helps you clarify your thoughts from a business standpoint, even if you never plan to publish it. And then from a personal slash family, it's I love it from a legacy standpoint of capturing some of these thoughts, ideas I have. So my kids can see them so that others can see them and that it may in fact help them where if we don't ever write it down or cat, whether it's a journal, a blog or just typing it out, whatever it is, but it's something to, to kind of help others, you know, pass on your ideas to others.

(22:48): Yeah, that's a really good point. I remember last time we were together, I was sharing some things about the early days of my business. And that's the first thing you said to me, you came up to me right after that, that discussion is, are you writing this down? And that I haven't forgotten that that's been a, that was a helpful kind of reminder and prompt for me to, to get back in front of my keyboard and start getting some things down for that legacy reason. I think that is an absolutely worthy, great reason to write. I just lost a very close friend of mine about a week ago. And you know, I'm just thinking if he had written a lot of his ideas down and he actually did, and then pass those on to his kids, what a treasure that's going to be for his grandkids, got to know him, got to know him, kind of be, you know, they're young, they're like under two, but they'll never really fully get know him in person, but through those writings that can be passed down to them. I agree with you a hundred percent I think is just a major way we can contribute to our legacy.

(23:56): Yeah. Interesting. As you talk about that, maybe I had a coaching call this morning with the business owner and we were talking about the importance of creating an SOP standard operating procedures, making the comment to them of, you've got to get the ideas out of your head or out of some of these key leaders we were talking about, you got to get the ideas and how they do out of their head onto paper. So others can do it. And we know that in our eight to five job, but for all those same reasons, it's like we should capture that because all of us love reading autobiographies and other people, how cool would be to read of some people that personally impacted us, not just a distant impact that maybe had was indirectly. So that's, that's really good. A question that I've loved talking with other people about as part of my story is this phrase I heard from God of a, you need a hand over your story for a greater story, as I say that phrase to you, and maybe you never heard that directly and maybe absolutely you have, is there something where you felt that God was giving you the nudge of Kevin?

(24:58): You've got to hand over your story for, for something greater. I've got something more and bigger for you. If you could open your hands and release what you're holding onto.

(25:06): So this was probably the most unexpected. That's a great phrase. Great question. Most unexpected kind of season of my life was when I sensed that God was calling me out of ministry into something different for me growing up, being in ministry, like literally from the time I was a little kid, I had dreamed about being a missionary or a pastor of a local church, a minister of some kind. So when I had actually quote unquote achieved that role, I was kind tracking with that into my thirties. It got a doctorate degree in ministry, had been pastoring, a local church. We developed this intentional community in the neighborhood where we lived. It had been a really, just a great experience. And I realized like, Hey, I'm serving this urban church who, and it's filled with a lot of young artists and the budget for the churches.

(26:07): You know, it's always, it was always struggling for those reasons. I just mentioned urban young artistic. And I thought, you know, I need to get another source of income at this point, cause my family's growing. So I kind of dip my toe back into the family business, but I always saw that as something like it's a means to an end, that's going to make some money to be able to support this ministry thing. That's really, that's what God wants me to do. And all of a sudden it seemed like the church started to plateau in many different ways. And the business side, I had launched a small business in the same neighborhood where I was a pastor. The business was just taking off. Like I could just put a little bit of effort in and I would get this disproportionate growth in the business. I could put all this effort into the ministry side and there'd just be this tiny little incremental growth happening.

(27:05): And at first I was very frustrated by that and almost angry at God like, Hey, this body shop thing was supposed to just fund the ministry because that's my calling. And God reversed that for me. I really sensed him saying like, I'm calling you into the marketplace and that's where your biggest contribution ultimately is going to be. I did not want to hear that. So the story I had to trade was I had to let go of the story. I told myself that being in ministry was the highest quality I had to trade that story for another one that being in business is what God had called me to not to say that ministry is not a high calling. It absolutely is not to say that business is greater equal or less than administering. That depends. But for me personally, I had to let go of the story that being in full time ministry was my calling and recognize that God was calling me into something else. I think that's something else for me personally, is going to end up greater amount of influence and a greater amount of joy and a greater amount of legacy. But at the time it felt like a demotion. So the trade for me was, I felt like that was putting me on the bench. It was actually putting me in the game.

(28:30): Wow. That's good. Do you recall how long that tension was from when you started having this feeling to get involved and then to actually kind of walk away from the church? I mean, we talk in a few months, a few years

(28:44): Actually. Yeah, well like a few years. So it was something that kind of gradually dawned on me. I mean, the way I tell the story, is it going to sound like this big epiphany, but the truth is it happened over the course of many months and you know, a few, a few years. So, and at first it was kind of gradual, like just paying attention to what has God blessing and seems like he's blessing my business. And then over time just realizing like, Hey, this is more than just a means to an end. This is actually actually an integral part of my, my call that came with a cost. You know, I ended up in professional counseling. I ended up feeling depressed for a very long season, probably eight or nine months is letting go of something like that. That was so tied to my identity or what I perceived my identity was. Yeah. So about three years is the short answer, very difficult season for me.

(29:44): Wow. That's good. Thanks for sharing all that. I have a lot of clients that will come to me and maybe that's not their re original reason they come to me, but at some point it comes in a big decision time. Do I stay at this company? Do I leave this company? Do I double down and open up another office or do I not? And do I launch this division? Do I not? And there's just a lot of these different questions that are heavy and we all want that neon sign from God that says open

(30:12): Or, you know,

(30:15): You know, close that business, whatever it is. So for you, how did you navigate those three years? Obviously you weren't finding neon signs of keep going, keep going. But I mean, was it just keep following the open doors and keep pursuing? If you had a piece about you you'd keep going, like help us who are maybe at those crossroads of some big time decision.

(30:38): Yeah. So I had a friend asked me, what is God blessing? And it's kind of that John chapter five idea where Jesus says, I only do what I see the father doing and Jesus, wasn't going to go outside of the father's activity or outside of what the father wanted him to focus on. And I think kind of getting that sense of like, what is God calling us to and what is God blessing right now in this season of our life? I definitely don't believe in the neon sign version. You know, there are times when things are so clear, we just, we, we go for it. We'll make the cut and we'll go. There's other times that I would say most of the time, at least in my life, it's much more of a process of rather than me asking God, Hey God, what do you want me to do?

(31:34): I've sent God more and more asking me it, Kevin, what do you want to do? And him and trusting me with a piece of that decision, kind of like treating me like an adult. Like that's a child. We tell our kids what to do. Hey, go here, don't go here, stop crying. Do this. They'll do that. As adults, when we talk to our kids, it's way more collaborative. And I think that's the season that he wants us all to move toward. I feel like that's the season that I'm in, that he definitely wants this to be a collaborative endeavor. So I sense God asking me, what do you want to do? And I try to pay attention to that's one way we pay attention to our desires. What are we actually desire? And secondly, we asked that question that my friend asked me, what is God blessing? Where are you seeing fruits? Where are you seeing maybe a small result that if you gave it a little bit more of a push or effort, it would kind of blossom or bloom a little bit more. So looking for those areas that he's blessing and then match your desires.

(32:41): That's good. As a, as I said, the very beginning, you always provide the wisdom that I personally selfishly needed to hear say, I, I knew it. So anyways, that's so good pay attention to our desires on the surface. That sounds so selfish. Like, Oh, don't do that. And I love that you walk through that and help us because I know as a father, to my own kids, I don't care if my son does soccer, football, baseball, I don't care. I want him to do what he wants to do. And then I'm there cheering them on the whole time. And I think that's how God is. Like, I don't care what you do have these different options. I want you to do it and do it in a way that brings glory to me, do it in a way that you're bringing excellence to what you do and those that you serve. And so I think paying attention to desires is man. It's so good. So thank you for sharing that.

(33:37): Absolutely. One more quick thought on that. It's I find some of the gospel accounts comical in this regard, like a blind person will approach Jesus and it's pretty obvious what's going on, but Jesus still asks them the question. What do you want me to do for you? It's fascinating how often he asks people to just say what they really want him to do for them. So God often, like this is, it's not an unprecedented that he would provoke the question, Hey, what do you want? Even when it seems obvious to us as the readers of scripture, he still makes the person go through the steps of getting in touch with, and then stating out loud their desire before he even heals them. So, anyway, that's just something I find almost comical in the gospels, but very meaningful as well.

(34:28): Nope. I echo that. I've loved that hearing, that it was shared with me, the very first words that Jesus says in the book of John, very first words that are captured. And I don't think this is by accident is Jesus says, what are you seeking? Very first words he says in the book of John. So good. And so it right in line with what you're saying right in line with being aware and paying attention to our desires is, you know, and to all of us, if Jesus does walk up right now and say, Kevin, what do you mean?

(35:01): Yeah, yeah. Are you seeking? Yeah, Jesus is, he'd be a great podcast. I was just like you because you're great at asking questions. He was good at asking questions. So you're right in his lineage, Corey, you're doing the right thing

(35:17): $20 later. Well, that's awesome. Well, this has been super fun. I could keep talking and I knew I would want to keep talking to you. So maybe there'll be a part two in time, but just to end for the, for your sake, the listeners, couple of fun questions, especially for you, you're an avid reader. What are you reading? Some of your titles that you're reading maybe way above my my intellect, but let's just go for it.

(35:44): I doubt that. So I'm actually reading a book. This is probably my eighth time through it. I'm not saying I recommend that. I'm just saying this is true for me. I'm reading a book called fierce conversations, Susan Scott. And in that interest of kind of getting back in touch with having those adaptive conversations or calling people to something higher, this book has been kind of a big help to me over the last probably 10 years, but I'm going through it again. I'm still in the very beginning of it, but loving it. Her job first chapter is fantastic. It's called we must interrogate reality. So I'm learning how to interrogate reality and whether it's comfortable or not. We look at what is actually true in our own life and in the conversations that begin to flow out of that. So fierce conversations is kind of big one right now for me. I'm also reading this book called the giver of life. It's a book about the Holy spirit. So that's been another kind of fundamental book for me in my morning ritual. My morning routine was telling me that's awesome.

(36:51): Well, I wrote those down for myself fierce conversations I am familiar with, but I need to revisit second one. What are you most excited about in the next 30 days?

(37:02): Next 30 days? I think, you know, the COO that I hired, it's starting to unlock some things for me. Like I'm getting back into the position where I can think about dream, about plan toward this future. So I've been so without without an operator helping me, I've been so focused on kind of like this day, this week, this month now I'm starting again, just in the last little bit, like literally the last, probably five to seven days, putting myself three to five years into the future. What do we want to do? So I'm looking at some new acquisition opportunities. I have three right now that are kind of in my, in my sites, one in the Lexington market, one in the Ohio market and then one in a completely different state that we're starting to consider. So I'm excited again about kind of leaning into the growth side of my business. I love doing the foundation setting work, kind of that being out front, the apostolic work being ahead of the curve. So looking at acquisitions is just been an absolute delight for me.

(38:09): That's awesome. How can listeners get ahold of you if they want more information or to get their car repaired? How do they best get ahold of you?

(38:20): The best way to get ahold of me as the wreck your car? You'll find a way to my door. If you wreck your car, say kevin@carstarcareswithans.com.com. I'm always open to start an email conversation from there. I'll get my cell phone out. Whoever writes me, be happy to engage in any kind of dialogue with anybody who listens to your podcast.

Yup. Awesome. Kevin, thank you very, very much for your time. Your wisdom appreciate a grace and a friendship. Thank you.

(38:57): My pleasure. I enjoyed it in the beginning of the end. Thank you, Gloria.

(39:02): I want to thank you for listening to my podcast. When at home first, I am so grateful to hear from listeners like you, that this content has been helpful. So now I would love for you to pay it forward. I want to get this message in the hands of more listeners. We need leaders to be winning both at home and at work, especially during this time. So please take a minute to share this episode with somebody you think would find value in it, as well as rate and subscribe as a thank you, please visit my website@coriumcarlson.com to download a free resource that people are finding value in. Thank you very much.

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