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BSA78: How to never worry about price shoppers ever again

BSA78: How to never worry about price shoppers ever again           BSA78: How to never worry about price shoppers ever again          
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    This week’s “Ben Settle Show” reveals:

    • The secret of the $5 milkshake.
    • What the world’s greatest copywriting coach tells prospective clients when they ask him about price.
    • How businesses and freelancers foolishly talk themselves out of getting paid what they and their products are really worth.
    • Why low prices are a “reverse proof element.” (And work against you, even if you think your market will reward you for it.)
    • Why people forms lines around the block to try the $50 burger.
    • Claude Hopkins’ secret to using high prices to get more sales.
    • How Gary Halbert used a high price-mentality to get one of his clients inundated with sales from both people with and without money to burn.
    • How to attract high quality customers.
    • How to repel cheap customers.
    • A secret way of “leveraging” social proof to charge maximum price for your products and services. (Works for everything from shoes and commodities to services, retail, artwork, and info products.)
    • Why it’s just as hard (or harder) to sell a $5 product as it is to sell a $500 product (so you might as well sell higher priced stuff.)
    • How to eliminate your high prices as an objection to buying.
    • And that’s just for starters…

    Ben Settle

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