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BSA26: How To Analyze Your Market Like The FBI Analyzes Serial Killers And Criminal Masterminds

BSA26: How To Analyze Your Market Like The FBI Analyzes Serial Killers And Criminal Masterminds           BSA26: How To Analyze Your Market Like The FBI Analyzes Serial Killers And Criminal Masterminds          
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    This time on “The Ben Settle Show” we reveal:

    * How to “ethically trick” clients into writing most of your sales letters for you.

    * What exact kind of movies the most successful copywriters see at the theater, and how to use this unusual secret to make your ads more persuasive.

    * How to write ads that nab a ton of sales even if you don’t know jack about “copywriting.”

    * A little-known place (used by all the big TV companies) where you can get an in-depth analysis of your market. (Everything you would ever want to know to sell them… if they so much as take a dump at 4:00 each day, you’ll know about it…)

    * How even a raw newbie copywriter can write ads that beat the pants off copy written by better and more experienced copywriters.

    * Dan Kennedy’s market analysis “cheat sheet.”

    * A sneaky little way to use insomnia to give your sales letters more persuasive “pop.”

    * Why so many Americans are frustrated and angry.

    * The only question you should ever ask in a marketing survey if you want intel you can use to actually sell with.

    * And lots, lots more…

    Ben Settle

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