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Bob Holdsworth | Do Business On Your Own Terms

Why losing $400,000 was great for business.

Bob Holdsworth | Do Business On Your Own Terms         Bob Holdsworth | Do Business On Your Own Terms        
Why losing $400,000 was great for business.           Why losing $400,000 was great for business.          
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    If you have a business, you probably know what it feels like to lose a client.
    We can admit it: Losing clients hurts.

    But if you think losing clients is always bad, you’re wrong.
    In this episode, find out how Bob turned a $400,000 loss into a win—and you learn how to choose your clients so you can be successful and happy.

    Show highlights include:

    – How the loss of two big clients led to a “business cleanse” which lowered expenses and made every system in the business more effective. (starts at 2:30)
    – A great book to read for guidance when things get tough (9:10)
    – The business foundation you should revisit when you’re getting off the track. (10:50)
    – The importance of the right “client mix” (no, it’s NOT all about “whale clients”) (14:50)
    – A maxim to guide your hiring decisions—which includes staff AND clients (16:15)
    – A hiring and firing principle you should revisit (17:15)
    – One situation in which you should always trust the little voice in your head (17:45)

    Would you like to claim your entrepreneurial freedom? Start today by downloading your complimentary copy of Bob’s “8 Steps To Freedom”. Go to https://oyot.com/8steps and get your copy!

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