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Billy Gwaltney | Cover Your Assets

What if I do lots of Procedures & lots of Clinic

Billy Gwaltney | Cover Your Assets         Billy Gwaltney | Cover Your Assets        
What if I do lots of Procedures & lots of Clinic           What if I do lots of Procedures & lots of Clinic          
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    As a specialist, you have worked hard to grow your practice. But you never know when an unforeseen circumstance might sneak up and destroy your income and way of life.

    Navigating the ins-and-outs of own-occupation disability insurance is confusing and lethal — especially when you do a lot of procedures & clinic work.

    But it doesn’t have to be this way.

    In this episode, you’ll discover how to cut through insurance misinformation, so you can pick a policy that protects your wealth from the unknown.

    Listen now.

    • How being partially disabled surprisingly won’t steal your wealth (and increases other aspects of your practice) (2:25)
    • Why not being able to perform procedures any longer doesn’t have to put an end to your medical career (3:54)
    • How a procedural Ophthalmologist took advantage of his partial disability policy (and still continued his revenue-producing clinic work) (4:15)
    • The single best wealth-protecting disability insurance company you can work with (5:26)
    • The vague “50% Rule” for getting partial disability (without sacrificing clinic work) (6:00)

    To ask questions on insurance coverage or to get a quote, please don’t hesitate to call us anytime at 704-270-2376, and I’d be glad to discuss your specific situation with you.

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