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Brad Barrett | Make Your Money Matter

How much income can I receive in retirement from my investments?

Brad Barrett | Make Your Money Matter         Brad Barrett | Make Your Money Matter        
How much income can I receive in retirement from my investments?           How much income can I receive in retirement from my investments?          
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    To avoid running out of money in retirement, you have to be realistic about how much you save and spend. And if you aren’t realistic with your money, the entire plan could fall apart.

    Retirement is about knowing how much you need, not how much you make right now. And most people spend their entire lives building a plan around the wrong number. 

    In this episode, I discuss how to build your retirement plan around income (instead of bad habits).

    Show Highlights Include:

    • Retirement Planning lessons from the story of Atlantis (and how to avoid “the fall” of your own portfolio). (1:30)
    • The Mountain Climber’s guide to building a successful plan and reaching your retirement goals. (5:44)
    • How to ensure your income for life through one mathematical equation. (10:02)
    • Using the ‘Trinity Study’s ‘golden number’ to protect your portfolio from inflation and unstable environments (while improving your plan as you age). (15:55)
    • The worst financial mistakes most Americans make in your retirement years (and how to prevent building bad habits right now). (20:57)

    To schedule your complimentary retirement track review, head to https://onecapitalmanagement.com. You can also call us at 805-410-5454 or text the word ‘TRACK’ and we’ll reach out to you.

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