Have a podcast in 30 days

Without headaches or hassles

If you’re reading this and you’re not sure if you’re a baller or not…

I’ll help you figure it out in 2 simple questions:

1. If you had to ask yourself, “Am I a baller?” – then you’re prolly not.

2. If you’re not bringing in at least $30k per month consistently – then you’re definitely not.

Now, if you’re a baller and you want to become a BOSS
(a BOSS is someone bringing in at least $100 k per month)

Me and my team specialize in that.

We’ve done it time and time again for many people just like you.

In fact, the last few people we’ve worked with have quickly doubled their income by becoming the most trusted leaders in their community using our proven framework.

Want in?

Find out if you’re a good fit by booking a call with yours truly.


Within 10 minutes I’ll be able to tell you if we can make you a BOSS or not.

Jonathan “The King of Podcasting” Rivera

Have a podcast in 30 days

Without headaches or hassles


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