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NLP, or Neuro-Linguistic Programming is an incredibly powerful communication skill that can help you build trust and become more persuasive when getting more listings in real estate.…


Go to www.AgentOnfire.com and Download Your FREE Copy of “7 Listing Secrets”
In an age where the real estate culture is so competitive, being hardworking and dedicated are qualities you must have to succeed.…


Go to www.AgentOnfire.com and Download Your FREE Copy of “7 Listing Secrets”
Shaquille O’Neal; regarded as one of the most dominant athletes in Basketball history. Towering at a staggering 7 ft, weighing in at 360 pounds and an enormous size 23 shoe, this superstar sure knows how to dunk a basket.…


Go to www.AgentOnfire.com and Download Your FREE Copy of “7 Listing Secrets”
The latest dose of fear mongering is designed to get you to read between the headlines. But being the successful agent you are, you must understand that there is always going to be a place for a full service listing agent.…


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Most real estate agent website suck.
99% of them are created using copycat templates, offer little to no value and never generate any leads.…


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“Most agents are predictably, unpredictable.”
They actively advertise, but very few have an effective marketing strategy let alone the results to back it up.…


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You can’t live a fulfilling life as a real estate agent on an inventory of crumbs.
To succeed in this business, you have to be the one holding the chunks of cheddar.…


Go to www.AgentOnfire.com and Download Your FREE Copy of “7 Listing Secrets”
The word focus doesn’t earn the respect it deserves in the real estate world.
Sure, we hear about motivation all day long, but not much attention is given to how focus can have the ability to affect your productivity.…


Go to www.AgentOnfire.com and Download Your FREE Copy of “7 Listing Secrets”
Attracting and retaining clients is essential to the success of your real estate business.
Long-term clients are much more likely to feel satisfied as well as referring more customers to you.…


Go to www.AgentOnfire.com and Download Your FREE Copy of “7 Listing Secrets”
Entrepreneurs are like the modern-day rock stars and the thought of being one is extremely appealing to many.
But few agents actually know the real truth about entrepreneurship.…


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