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Reddy Yeti | Built On Passion

How to Build A Long-lasting Brand with Craig James, CEO of Barrie House Coffee

Reddy Yeti | Built On Passion         Reddy Yeti | Built On Passion        
How to Build A Long-lasting Brand with Craig James, CEO of Barrie House Coffee           How to Build A Long-lasting Brand with Craig James, CEO of Barrie House Coffee          
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    95% of businesses fail within their first five years of operation. But Barrie House Coffee has been in operation for over eight decades.


    Simply by having the right structure  and leadership coupled with the obsession to grow in all areas of the business.

    In this episode, you'll hear from Craig James, CEO of Barrie House Coffee, and discover his leadership and growth secrets that will help your business last for decades.

    Ready to tap into Craig's years of business experience and use it for your own success? Listen now.

    Show highlights include:

    • The two things your company needs right now to last longer than your competitors (even in a saturated market) (2:58)
    • Why most startups don't last more than a couple of years before folding (and how to make your startup last decades)  (4:30)
    • How to have an unfair advantage over your competitors by being a customer centric brand (that cares about your users results with your product). (6:21)
    • What you need to have the perfect product none of your customers complain about.  (10:41)
    • How to “ethically steal” other people's success to grow your business  (12:49)

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