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Show highlights include: 

Why being optimistic about your finances can ruin your long-term financial results and make you worse off in retirement. (2:25)
How to grow your retirement funds by doing nothing for a year (5:05)
Why money isn’t everything—and why you should chase wealth anyways (7:30)
The odd reason being famous can be worthless and keeps you doing what you hate.… READ MORE

Most men believe they’ll finally be worthy of love if they achieve more. It’s easy to believe you’ll find love once you get that promotion, once you drive that fancy car, or once you’re only wearing luxury brands.… READ MORE

Most people who struggle with their emotions or mental health first turn to “mind exercises” like therapy or meditation.
While therapy and meditation may help, they’re not as powerful or effective as working with your body to reverse your mental turmoil.… READ MORE

Most folks romanticize retirement as a time of well-earned freedom filled with new and exciting passions.
But it’s also a sudden change that can put a lot of stress on your relationship with your significant other.… READ MORE

There’s a ton of ways to market: social media, direct response, postcards, webinars…. the list goes on and on.
It’s hard to know which one will grow your business, make you wealthy, and impact people around you.… READ MORE

A natural calming mechanism in you that lets you “turn off” overwhelm and feel more balanced (5:41)
Fun ways to fit exercise into your days and feel in control of your body (even if you don’t have time) (6:20)
The weird way creating a busy schedule gives you more time for everything else (8:07)
A simple practice that helps you to recognize your emotions before you react to them (9:51)
How accepting that you have no control over everything makes you feel in charge of your life (15:00)

If you’re ready to rise up and become the best version of yourself, check out the 12-month mindset and accountability experience that will help you rise up here: https://jillallencoaching.com/just-breathe-sisterhood/
If you have zero energy to focus on yourself and need extra support and accountability from women who know what it’s like to juggle a crazy busy life, then go to https://jillallencoaching.com/be-fit-and-fierce/ and become unstoppable with us.… READ MORE

Most people tell themselves they want success, wealth and legacy, but never take action. They sit around, pretend they’ll transform their lives and only realize they wasted their potential when they’re old and gray.… READ MORE

As a physician, long-term disability insurance is a must. And as your salary increases, you’ll need to increase your coverage as well to match your income.
But navigating insurance policies can be a nightmare.… READ MORE

Real estate seminars tell beginners that real estate will make them more money than their job while working half as much.
But for most investors, investing becomes the opposite: They’re busy all day closing a few deals per year (if any).… READ MORE

Dreaming about owning millions of dollars in real estate property gets most entrepreneurs giddy like schoolchildren. But how do you get the contracts when you don’t know where to start?
There is a 4-prong approach to reaching your goal of being a multi-millionaire in real estate.… READ MORE

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