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Levi Wanner | The Pursuit of Everything

The Pursuit of Everything Intro

Levi Wanner | The Pursuit of Everything         Levi Wanner | The Pursuit of Everything        
The Pursuit of Everything Intro           The Pursuit of Everything Intro          
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    You don’t have to be stuck in a 9-5 job you hate, just another cog in the machine, capped at a certain income, unable to leave a legacy behind or build an empire of wealth.
    Real estate was my ticket out of the 9-5 life I hated, and it can be yours too. Even if you’re not a “business person.” (I’m still not…)
    In each episode, we give you a dose of confidence, motivation, and real estate know-how, to help you tap into your inner greatness and build your empire.
    Stop living a life you hate. Tune into the latest episode now, and set yourself free.

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