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Traffic and Funnels | Smartest Guys in Marketing

LEAKED: Taylor's private coaching call with clients on offers, copywriting & messaging Part 1

Traffic and Funnels | Smartest Guys in Marketing         Traffic and Funnels | Smartest Guys in Marketing        
LEAKED: Taylor's private coaching call with clients on offers, copywriting & messaging Part 1           LEAKED: Taylor's private coaching call with clients on offers, copywriting & messaging Part 1          
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    The first of a very special two-part series pulled from one of Taylor’s private client coaching calls that covers everything on honing your offers to attract more of your perfect clients, how to write ridiculously persuasive copy and refining your sales message.

    Here Are The Highlights:
    – Writing tips to turn your headlines into client magnets (4:00)
    – Four rules for creating an irresistible offer no one can refuse (19:00)
    – A vital mindset shift to help boost confidence when enrolling new clients (26:00)
    – Simplify and perfect your sales pitch to convert more leads to clients (27:20)
    – The REAL reason people aren’t buying from you (35:00)

    Make Sure You Get The Memos!
    If you want access to the lessons learned building the fastest growing consulting business on the planet, then make sure grab the monthly memos today by visiting www.trafficandfunnels.com/memos

    Finally, don’t forget to grab your free ‘client bundle’ by visiting this link here:

    Get more Chris Evans and Taylor Welch at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeKyqGIFnuFz7exBT78dTUA?sub_confirmation=1

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