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Traffic and Funnels | Smartest Guys In Marketing

#177: Our normal is always changing

Traffic and Funnels | Smartest Guys In Marketing         Traffic and Funnels | Smartest Guys In Marketing        
#177: Our normal is always changing           #177: Our normal is always changing          
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    If you’re looking to create a huge, sweeping change in your life, but you’ve been feeling stuck not where you want to be, maybe it’s time for certain behaviours, habits, and beliefs to shift.

    In this episode, we’re talking about normalization. The process of how you can take your ceiling, make it your new floor, and upgrade all areas of your life.

    Here Are The Show Highlights:

    • The big golden gorilla in our office (2:30)
    • Why it’s normal to pay $24,000 for an oil change (3:00)
    • The biggest problem with many self-help and educational coaches today (5:20)
    • How to purposely structure your environment to yield specific traits and results (5:50)
    • Rags to Riches: Two things almost all successful people use to rebound and surpass their previous levels of success (8:45)
    • The penalty vs reward on every decision you make (10:45)

    Make Sure You Get The Memos!

    If you want access to the lessons learned building the fastest growing consulting business on the planet, then make sure to grab the monthly memos today by visiting www.trafficandfunnels.com/memos

    Finally, don’t forget to grab your free ‘client bundle’ by visiting this link here:

    Get more Chris Evans and Taylor Welch at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeKyqGIFnuFz7exBT78dTUA?sub_confirmation=1

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