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Marty McDonald | Taps and Tees

SO, What is your Story

Marty McDonald | Taps and Tees         Marty McDonald | Taps and Tees        
SO, What is your Story           SO, What is your Story          
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    The heart and soul of any brand is deep-rooted in human connection. You’re dealing with people, solving their problems and providing a great customer experience.

    A great story gives your brand a living, breathing pulse. Telling your brand’s story is a powerful strategy for building relationships and bringing people closer to your brand.

    So how do you do it? How do you tell your brand’s unique story in a world of noise? Today show will show you exactly how to tell your story the no bs way.

    Show Highlights:

    – Telling your story to magnetically attract pools of raving fans directly to the heart of your brand (0:40)

    – The one thing you absolutely must NOT do when telling your brand’s story (3:50)

    – Marty’s simple method for figuring out what your story actually is (5:45)

    – The foundational cornerstones to any successful social media plan (8:30)

    – Why success requires more than just a great product (12:30)

    – A straightforward formula for massive brand success (13:40)

    A story is the lifeblood of your brand. Don’t shy away, keep it real, and remember never to be BORING!

    If you enjoyed today’s show, make sure you head on over to www.tapsandtees.info and download your free report of ‘No BS,’ game-changing marketing tips and strategies that show you how to blow up your brand online.

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